YouTube: Why your videos don’t get views

YouTube: Why your videos don’t get views

Many video creators regard the YouTube algorithm as a higher power that rules overview counts, completely outside of their control. They believe there’s no understanding of how the YouTube algorithm works. It’s one of the platform’s most carefully guarded secrets, after all. Except it isn’t.

Channel your sales with YouTube videos

Channel your sales with YouTube videos

Do you want to hook people and get them engaged, build brand awareness, increase your market reach and drive sales? Then there’s no better way to do that than with a video! And without a doubt, a YouTube channel is the best way to get video in front of an audience.

YouTube Stories: A new promoter or a fail?

YouTube Stories: A new promoter or a fail?

Stories have become one of the most successful formats of social media. Snapchat, Facebook, and   Instagram are the most popular versions, with the latter surpassing all others to reach 400 million daily users this year.
As a result of this success, the latest social media app to experiment with Stories is YouTube, with its version now being rolled out to creators with 10,000 subscribers or more. But is it another wannabe or will it catch on with viewers?