Social proof notifications for more conversions

Social proof notifications for more conversions

They stop by, they click around, but too many of them just leave. If you run an online store, you’d definitely like to convert more of your traffic into buyers. All online stores face a somewhat essential problem that prevents more conversions, trust! Or more specifically the lack of trust. People tend to trust things more when other people trusted them first. This is something that can be impacted in surprising ways with the smart use of social proof.

Influencers: How can they help you succeed in 2019!

Influencers: How can they help you succeed in 2019!

Unlike celebrities, influencers come from any background or industry, and they can have varying amounts of followers. One thing they all have in common is that they’re social media figures who have gathered a defined audience around themselves. Their ability to influence others allows them to give a human voice to brands.

Conversion rate optimization: Why it matters for your business?

Conversion rate optimization: Why it matters for your business?

Conversion rate optimization is all about increasing the number of site visitors who complete a site goal, no matter if it’s a purchase, a download or a sign-up. No matter how much extra traffic you generate, it is meaningless if your site isn’t up to scratch. If a website doesn’t match expectations or engage your users then, no matter how stunning your ads are up to this point, your traffic will bounce, maybe never to return.