How to Skyrocket Your Fashion Online Store’s Sales: 4 Behavioral Segmentation Tactics

How to Skyrocket Your Fashion Online Store’s Sales: 4 Behavioral Segmentation Tactics

Predictive customer segmentation gathers useful information about shoppers to predict their future actions or their likelihood to buy a product. Generate traffic and boost your sales by using an exit pop-up and the power of email and push notifications automated campaigns. They know what you want before you do.

To push or not to push?

To push or not to push?

Push notifications have been around for quite some time now, but only recently they have gained an attention as a powerful real-time marketing tool that can significantly affect conversion rates.
With click-through rates as high as 30%, push notifications are considered as high converting marketing tool that can significantly increase sales for online businesses. (Read more…)



We are bringing Push Notifications as a feature on the Retargeting Platform. Providing the best services to our customers it’s of high importance to us, so we work day and night on developing new and up-to-date features.

Log into your account now to test the brand new Retargeting Push Notifications: Cart Abandonment, Product Follow up, Inactivity, Category Follow up, Bounce Follow up, Cross Selling. They’ll help you increase your e-shop conversion rates and therefore sales.