How triggered emails can increase your sales

How triggered emails can increase your sales

Of course, you already know that email is one of the most effective marketing channels that can help you increase your sales, but what do you know about triggered emails?

Do you know that you can create your customers’ profile, monitor their actions and then set up some triggered emails based on all these details?

Sending promotional emails can definitely increase your sales, but personalizing the communication with your customers can bring you more benefits than just increasing your sales: your customers will know that you care about their needs more than you care about growing your revenues, they will know that you pay attention to their desires, they won’t have to waste their time reading useless newsletters and this is how you will improve your customers’ user experience.

If you want your email marketing results to look better than that, personalization is the key!

If you have any problems with cart abandonment, browse behavior, bounce behavior, cross-sell and your customers’ inactivity, then this article is exactly what you need to solve these and increase your sales; you will learn how to increase your sales with triggered emails!

Triggered Emails

Let’s start with cart abandonment. Because of many reasons, people add items to their cart but they don’t finish the order: they figure out that costs are bigger than their budget, they discover hidden taxes or maybe they are not prepared to finish the order right then and this is how they leave precious products right there.

Cart Abandonment

You can’t leave things just like that… you should try to convince them to turn back on your website and buy their favorite products. Set up an email that reminds your customers about those products every time they leave your website without finishing their order: “Hi, Sam! You left some products in your shopping cart. If you place an order within the next 24 hours you have 10% off. Come back and enjoy shopping!”

Yes, customers can have many reasons to abandon your cart, but you can use triggered emails to bring them back!

We’ve started with cart abandonment which despite its high rate can bring you big results, but things can look worse: your visitors are just browsing on your website. Well, you should come up with something with for this kind of visitors, too.

Brwose Behavior

At the beginning of this article, we’ve told you that you should monitor your customers’ actions and make their profile. Besides that, you should create a scoring for each page they visit – this is how you will know what are your customer’s favorite products! Then give him an email with his Top 3 products considering that scoring: “Hi, John! Here are your favorite products! We have a surprise for you: 10% discount if you place your order within the next 24 hour”.

What can you tell us about your customers’ bounce behavior? Not good at all, right? You have a chance to win a part of these customers, too. Recommend them your Top 3 – best products of the week. If your old customers love them, then your new one may love them, too.

Do you want to sell more? Yes, you’re right, this is a one answer question! Well, we are talking here about cross-sell. Let us give you some examples. If you are a fashion online store and one of your customers buys a pair of shoes, then you can send her an email and recommend a new bag that fits them perfectly. Or maybe you are a tech online store and you sell a laptop; great opportunity to make a cross-sell: send an email to your customer and recommend him some handsome headphones.

“Hi, Ben! Great choice! Here are some products that will fit perfectly with your new…More than that: we offer you free shipping! Enjoy your shopping!”

To sum it up: if you want to sell more to your customers then send them an email with related products to what they already bought. This will definitely increase your sales!

Cross Sell

Some of your clients haven’t visited your website since a while? Then it’s time to bring them back! Use an Inactivity trigger to remind your customer about your latest products and promotions – “Hi, Dan! It’s been a while since your last visit… We miss you! We have a surprise for you: 10% discount if you place an order within the next 48 hours! Enjoy your shopping!”


These five great email triggers will make your customers happier and will significantly increase your revenues. People love to receive personalized promotional emails because they have the chances to buy their favorite products included in a special offer. Of course, you are not forced to insert discounts in your emails, but a little incentive will make the difference – actually sometimes this is the essence of retargeting your customers and convince them to come back and buy your products. You can also try to offer free shipping – many customers avoid finishing their purchase because of shipping taxes. Or maybe you can give them a little gift. Everyone loves gifts!


Now that you have these ideas you just have to find the way to make things work!

Retargeting your customers after they visited your website will bring you a lot of benefits: happy customers & great revenues. Yes, retargeting can bring you both of them!

But remember that the only way to gain these great results is by retargeting your customers with personalized emails. Think about the things they want to buy, more than about those products you want to sell. By sending them those products nobody bought you will just annoy them!

Start sending amazing email triggers with Retargeting.Biz! Enjoy your free trial!


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  1. What is retargeting? - Retargeting Blog - […] rate, by offering their users a personalized experience via live messages and personalized triggered emails. It also gives you the possibility…
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