Customer experience is shaping e-commerce

Customer experience is shaping e-commerce

Up until recently, shopping was purely transactional. A merchant had a product a consumer wanted. The consumer purchased that product from the merchant and went on their way. But over the past couple of decades, shopping stopped being this singular moment. It turned into a series of interactions between the retailer and the consumer. And it started well before the consumer even intended to buy anything.

Shoppers behavior is influenced by Instagram

Shoppers behavior is influenced by Instagram

The modern brand and product discovery process usually involve at least some form of a social media reference. Even if your social presence is not driving direct sales, it can still have a significant impact on shoppers brand perception, which could be hugely relevant, dependent on your target market.

E-commerce trends: What will next year bring?

E-commerce trends: What will next year bring?

For the past years, e-commerce has been experiencing steady growth. And that will continue in the upcoming years. In fact, specialists predict that global retail e-commerce revenue will amount to about 5 trillion dollars by 2021. So, in the near future, we should expect to see continuing growth with more businesses joining the market.