Artificial Intelligence, the new age of content marketing!

Artificial Intelligence, the new age of content marketing!

Technological innovation comes with new challenges in any industry and advancement in artificial intelligence and content marketing are no different. Self-teaching algorithms have made search engine optimization more abstract and difficult to master, which means it can feel harder to rank, attract an audience, and ultimately, gain customers with content marketing.

Little things that hurt your SEO ranking

Little things that hurt your SEO ranking

As an online marketer, you know the importance of optimizing your pages for search engines, but also staying on top of the latest search engine optimization tactics. After all, increasing your traffic and brand awareness is impossible without understanding the in’s and out’s of SEO.

Instagram marketing: Fewer distractions, better results!

Instagram marketing: Fewer distractions, better results!

If you think Instagram is just for posting pictures with your latest outfit or your last vacation, think again. With over 800 million active users each month, the platform is currently one of the fastest growing social media platforms. This presents a huge opportunity for brands, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of Instagram marketing.