7 Tips to Improve the Open Rates of Your Marketing Emails

7 Tips to Improve the Open Rates of Your Marketing Emails

As Email is one of the best Marketing Tools that brings you customer engagement, referrals and it increases your revenues, we need to seriously take care of it.

This is not just an email; if you want to send effective marketing emails that can bring you money, you have pay attention to so many things: audience, subject, content, language, call-to-action and offer.


If you are thinking about your email conversion rate, we suggest you to take it step by step. First of all, you need to think about the open rate, then it’s about content engagement and at the end we can talk about conversion rate.

Because this is the very first step, we will talk about how you can improve your Email Open Rate. Here are a few tips:

  1. Subject Line

This is what your subscribers see first. It has to be attractive and interesting, but you have to ensure you avoid spam – don’t use words like free, winner, guarantee, etc. To know which one of your subject lines performs better and fits to your business, don’t forget to test some variations.


  1. Preheader

Another element that can encourage your customers to open your email is the preheader – that preview of your email that follows the subject line in your inbox. It practically continues the subject line, but gives your subscribers  more information, so they can find out a little bit more about what you want to tell them.


  1. Write to one person

Using your subscriber’s name in your email opening and writing your content like you’re talking to only one person will increase for sure your email chances to be opened. Besides this, it will help you increase your customer’s engagement.

Personalized emails

  1. Check the sender

Who is your email sender? Your company? Try to send it from a person – people tend to listen to people rather than companies, because they think a company has always something to advertise. But if they feel a human’s touch, then an email is more likely to be opened.


  1. Time means money

In this case we are actually talking about the money you lose because your subscribers aren’t opening your emails. First of all you need to find out more about your audience – when do they read their emails? Are your emails more likely to be opened on week day or on the weekend?

It’s better to send your email in the morning, in the middle of the day or in the evening?

There’s no secret formula. Only you can find the right answer trough some A/B testing.

Right time

  1. Keep your list fresh

Yeah, that’s right; we all want more and more subscribers to our newsletter but always remember that you need high quality leads, not quantity. Try to set a plan and periodically clean you email list – find the inactive subscribers, try to reengage them and if there is no response, remove them from your list.

Inactive Subscribers

  1. Frequency awareness

When is too much, too much? Did you hear about list fatigue? This happens when you are sending too many (useless) emails to your subscribers. On the other side, sending to few is bad too because you risk to lose them.

Try to send your email on a regular basis so your customers get used with the way you use to communicate with them.

Email Frequency

We are sure that the list can go on, but these 7 tips are for sure a great starting point to improve your email marketing open rates and your customer engagement.

What have you tried to increase you open rates?

Enjoy these email marketing statistics and trends for 2015 to see how important is this marketing channel for your business.


Start your free trial now



– http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/242799
– http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/whats-best-time-day-send-email-148113
– https://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/post/3628/a-practical-guide-to-email-preheaders/
– http://webmarketingtoday.com/articles/110326-11-Ways-to-Improve-Email-Open-Rates-2/
– https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/6-ways-to-improve-your-e-mail-open-rates/
– http://www.activecampaign.com/help/how-to-improve-your-open-rate/
– http://www.incomediary.com/12-powerful-tips-increase-open-rate


Photo credits: 
– http://goagentmarketing.com/blog/5-ways-improve-real-estate-email-open-rate/
– http://buildfire.com/measure-maximize-open-click-through-rates/
– http://www.ragan.com/Main/Articles/How_to_write_killer_email_subject_lines_45908.aspx
– http://blog.mailermailer.com/tips-resources/qa-preheader-text-in-email-marketing
– http://www.websand.co.uk/when-is-the-right-time-to-send-an-email/
– http://yoomailit.com/2010/07/email-frequency-2/


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