Why your customers don’t care about your content

Why your customers don’t care about your content

How powerful do you think content marketing is?

We can convince you about its importance by telling you two great things it can do for you, especially when you use retargeting:

  • It improves the relationship with your current follower/clients
  • It brings you more and more traffic to your website/ subscribers/customers
  • It grows your company awareness and increases your revenues.

Forrester revealed in some of his reports that 87% of brands make strong efforts to create relevant content for their customers, content that they will want to share with their friends and only 14% said they think that their content brings more value for their companies.

Do you spend a lot of time creating content for your customers, as a part of your email marketing strategy, because you heard that it can be successful but you can’t see the results?

Are you sure that you are doing the things right?

Take a look at these 3 mistakes and then review your content. If you find and fix them you have a big chance to meet success in your content marketing.

  1. Do you know your audience?


This should be your first focus! If you can find out your customers’ needs then you can create content that is more relevant for them. For audience segmentation you can use a marketing automation software.

Keep in your mind some tips that can help you with this:

  • Plan your content marketing strategy – define the demographic that you’re trying to reach. You have to determine how your potential customers find your website, what they read and when they read represents the key of your content marketing strategy. If you use a retargeting software, it will be very easy for you to figure these things out.
  • Identify their problems – create content that can help them and you will see how this will increase their trust in your business.
  • Use a voice that resonates with your audience – Depending on your audience profile you will have to find the best way to communicate. A little example we can give you right now… think about how would you talk about any subject with some teenagers and how would you talk to some elders. We’re sure you already see the difference and you understand what we are talking about. That’s why it’s very important to use retargeting: this way, with the help of live triggers, email triggers, reminders and SMS triggers, you create personalized messages that satisfy the specific needs of specific customers.

A big mistake that marketers keep doing in email marketing is creating content they would like to read and not focusing on their customers’ needs.


  1. Are you to self-promotional?


It’s great that you know how good your company is and we already know that you’re proud of it, but let your customers appreciate it.

To gain your customers’ trust you should try to be more objective.

It can be that you are the best on your market, but try giving some credits to your competitors, too. Use some quotes, studies, reports or surveys from the others.

Promotional content will certainly always have its place in marketing, in email marketing, but in order to succeed you have create content that meets your customers’ needs.  This is the way they will love to share it with their friends.

  1. Are your headlines and CTAs attention-grabbing?


Maybe you are a great writer, and maybe your content is really helpful for your audience, but what about your headlines? Are they good enough? Do they attract your customers?

As Neil Patel said once in one of his articles: 80% of people will read a headline, but only 20% of people will read the article.

A great headline can encourage your subscribers to read the entire content.

We mentioned in another of our articles that it should instill intrigue and answer questions, at the same time.

Find some awesome tips to create attractive headlines from our article: How to create high converting headlines.

And now… are your CTAs effective? You know that sometimes we all need a little incentive… This is a key element in retargeting strategies, when you need to persuade the customers to move down the sale funnel.

Ensure that your CTA is visible and  it has a clear message so it can convince your customers to take action. Here are some principles for effective call-to-actions that could help you.

Thing are pretty simple but you have to pay attention, because these three little mistakes can cost you a lot.

How do you engage with your customers? Do you have any advice for us?


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– http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/245483
– https://www.forrester.com/B2B+Marketers+Struggle+To+Connect+Content+Marketing+With+Business+Value/-/E-PRE7144
– http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2014/09/03/why-knowing-your-audience-is-the-key-to-success/
– http://www.quicksprout.com/2014/04/02/latest-trends-in-headline-creation-and-their-success/

Photo credits: 

– https://www.fiksu.com/technology/audience-targeting
– http://blog.aecsoftware.com/2014/11/subjective-vs-objective-project-management/
– http://neilpatel.com/2015/07/02/the-ultimate-guide-to-writing-blog-posts-that-rank-in-googles-top-10/

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