Mistakes you’re making with personalization

Mistakes you’re making with personalization

Brands have been using personalization in their marketing efforts for years, but that doesn’t mean they’re doing it right. With more and more businesses investing in personalized content, they need the right strategy and technology to get meaningful results. If you start by just simply personalizing an email greeting or sending bulk emails to large cohorts of your database, you’ll likely only see incremental results from your efforts.

Channel your sales with YouTube videos

Channel your sales with YouTube videos

Do you want to hook people and get them engaged, build brand awareness, increase your market reach and drive sales? Then there’s no better way to do that than with a video! And without a doubt, a YouTube channel is the best way to get video in front of an audience.

Scarcity marketing: Make more with less!

Scarcity marketing: Make more with less!

Nowadays, everything seems to be about ease, convenience, and availability. With a few clicks, you can get almost anything sent to your home. And if you can’t get what you need from one business, another option is just a few more clicks away. So why wait? In this climate, it seems like scarcity marketing should be a thing of the past.