The Color Black Psychology & Design Strategies

The Color Black Psychology & Design Strategies

Color can often speak louder than words. It’s the first thing you notice about design, it evokes immediate emotion and sets the tone for all other supporting elements. Being able to successfully understand and implement color in your marketing and design can change behavior. This is no more true than with, arguably, the strongest color there is black.

More traffic from Instagram Stories without the Swipe-Up feature

More traffic from Instagram Stories without the Swipe-Up feature

The “Swipe Up” feature on Instagram Stories is a very popular way to get more traffic to your website. The option enables you to add a direct link back to your site, which your Stories viewers can then access by simply swiping up on your Stories frame. But, unfortunately, it is only accessible to those with 10,000 or more followers or a verified profile.

Pinterest, the shopping experience your e-shop needs

Pinterest, the shopping experience your e-shop needs

Pinterest is a great source of traffic for e-commerce due to the platform’s focus on visuals. Users can find pins on almost anything they want and most times these people are already in a buying mood. If you’re not tapping into Pinterest traffic potential as an e-shop owner, then you’re already missing a lot.

How to revive a stagnant digital marketing campaign

How to revive a stagnant digital marketing campaign

Every marketing campaign brings with it its own set of challenges. Each is its own unique case and thus, a cookie-cutter solution simply cannot work. Every unique problem requires a unique approach. And while there is a set of mainstay marketing tricks that every campaign utilizes, there will always be a point where your progress may stagnate.