Why your product page it’s not selling

Why your product page it’s not selling

When we talk about designing an effective e-commerce product page we are not talking about great colors, shapes and fonts – we are talking about providing a great customer experience to your visitors that may convince them to become your customers.

The customer experience we are talking about is the one that can directly influence your sales.

Think about a retail store: you come in because you are interested in one of those products, but there are so many factors that will make you buy – the seller, the information you get about those products, the design of that store, the smell or maybe the way those products are arranged on the shelves.

That’s what happens in an online store, too. You should think about your product page like it’s a shelf with only one product: what would you tell your customers about that product?

The infographic below will show you what elements should include your product page.

Find the differences between it and your product page and you will find out why your product page it’s not selling!

product-pages- infographic


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