Reactivate your inactive subscribers. Start now!

Reactivate your inactive subscribers. Start now!

The percentage of users opening the emails you send rarely reaches 20%, right? 8 out of 10 clients ignore the emails you send. This means it’s  time for you to make a change, to think of a strategy that will increase the number of people opening, reading and clicking your emails!

The first thing you have to do is to communicate only with people that want to hear from your company. Therefore, send newsletters only to people who deliberately expressed the desire of receiving offers and any other information from your company.

Avoid the campaigns destined to increase your database of e-mails in an exchange of an irresistible prize. Most likely, in these cases users are interested in the reward and not in the information you send afterwards, therefore getting them as your customers will be very difficult or impossible.

To encourage your subscribers to open and click your emails you can offer free e-books with information of interest to them but which are related to your company profile as well. For example, if you are an online store that sells sport shoes, you can offer them a free e-book containing information such as how they can choose the right pair of sneakers for the gym, which model is best for different types of exercises that they practice and how they can be maintained.

Pay more attention to subject lines. Use short and creative messages to create a good reason to open the e-mail.

Use the subscriber’s name and a personalized approach as often as you can. Make him feel important, because he is your most valuable asset!

If you have already tried the above strategies and the open rate is not as high as you would like it to be, you can try the following tips & tricks:

  • Create a separate database, with inactive subscribers – those who did not open any e-mail in a period of 6-9 months
  • Send a personalized newsletter with a great offer and try to reactivate them, to make them open and click the links in the newsletter. For example: “30% only for you! We invite you in our shop! Don’t miss this offer! It’s just for YOU!” Move all the people that took an action to the active list so you could send them updated promotions.
  • If there still are subscribers who ignored your e-mail, send them another one in which you ask them if they wish to receive promotional messages from you or not. Add in the e-mail a button for YES and a button for NO. Those that click on NO will be removed from your database and those that clicked on YES can be moved to the active list.

TIP: You can do this every 6-9 months to keep your list clean. Make sure that in your database there are always possible clients or customers who are interested in your products and services.


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