Increase conversion rates

Increase conversion rates

“I want to increase my conversion rate!”, “My conversion rate is not big enough”, “Only if that conversion rate would be higher…”

This is one of the most common problems when it comes to online marketing and you are not the only one complaining about it. The thing is that most marketers aren’t aware of the fact that a few tweaks, very simple, actually, can lead to great improvements when it comes to conversion rates.

For example, if your rate is now 2%, implementing them can lead to 3%. That’s a 50% performance increase! Let this sink in a bit…

So, without much further ado, we’ve put together a few tips on how to increase conversion rate which don’t require that much time and with high chances on shaking up a bit your performance.

  1. Don’t use jargon

You weren’t expecting us to start with such thing, isn’t it? When people enter your site, they don’t want chunks of text made up from complicated business expressions and so on. No, they want everything to be as clear as possible. Remember, some of them might not be aware of the meaning of those terms and you can end up losing important clients.

Instead, explain everything like you would to a close friend or to somebody who doesn’t know anything about your niche. Clarity sells, remember this!

  1. Transmit value

Or, to be more specific, you need to convince anybody who might be interested in your products or services that buying would come alongside a ridiculous amount of benefits.

According to multiple studies, people are more interested in buying a product which has a lot of information about it available, even though they won’t read all that stuff. Yeah, exactly! 79% of them won’t read everything, but 16% will and that 16% is the group you’re targeting.

A research made by IDC revealed that up to 50% potential sales aren’t completed due to the information about the product or service, which is inadequate. The conclusion: give as many details as possible (including images or videos) about what you’re selling.

  1. Brag about how good you are

…but don’t forget to offer proof as well. Ok, brag might be a bit too much, but if previous clients are happy with your product or services, make sure you let everybody know about this. Testimonials can have a high impact on your conversion rate.

Let’s take this logically: before buying something, people will always search for what previous clients have to say. This is where testimonials come in. The more positive they are, the bigger the chances of having new clients.

Besides this, case studies or results of scientific tests can also work wonders, if your website belongs to a niche about which these are made. Include them as well on your home page or on a dedicated section!

Finally, nothing beats a demo. A video with your product in action will also make potential clients trust you. You can take this to a new level, by showing videos with your clients using it as well.


Like mentioned above, these are some tips you can easily implement in order to boost your conversion rate. And believe us, if done well, these will totally work! As usual, we’re waiting for your thoughts on this, alongside your experience with conversion rates. What techniques worked for you? Let us know in the comments section below!


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1 Comment

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