Augment the reality of your online shop!

Augment the reality of your online shop!

In the digital age, as consumers continue to become more comfortable shopping online, retailers and brands are being forced to investigate ever more innovative ways to get their attention.

Luckily, new technologies are offering an entirely new shopping experience that is gradually beginning to grab the attention of consumers and brands alike.


A new way of shopping online

For example, augmented reality is revolutionizing industries and allowing brands and businesses to create a more personal, interactive experience for customers. This will change the way we shop forever.

Yes, online shopping does come with its own perks, but it deprives shoppers of actually seeing the product, feeling it or evaluating it personally.

Based on the reputation of the retailer and the product’s reviews, consumers trust that the shipped product is exactly how they saw it. However, with the increasing popularity of virtual reality and augmented reality, this scenario is expected to change.


Reality overlaid with virtual elements

Augmented reality allows consumers to overlay the world in front of them with virtual elements. It allows consumers to visualize products in front of them, in the environments they would be used.

In the not-so-distant future, we can expect AR headsets to show you how outfits would fit on you before you even have them in hand. Decorating your new home, trying on new makeup, and even seeing how complex products function are all uses that augmented reality will do for retailers.



Try it on” before buying!

Using the home décor market as an example, this technology would allow consumers to virtually redecorate any room in their home before spending any money.

With just a picture taken on a smartphone or tablet, it can recognize the dimensions of the room and allow consumers to manipulate the elements within the image – whether adding or removing furniture, changing the wall color, or putting down new flooring.

Major jewelry brands are also taking advantage of this new customer experience, allowing consumers to ‘try on’ items they find online using their smartphone or tablet.

AR is positioned to increase sales by allowing customers to try before buying and, in turn, reduce returns by removing the initial guesswork.

Customers want to know what they’re purchasing and AR is helping customers become more confident in their buying decisions while providing quantifiable differences for online merchants.

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