Develop your brand’s identity and stand out!

Develop your brand’s identity and stand out!

Competition comes as something natural with any business. That’s even more a given for e-commerce brands where it’s not just about local competitors that you need to worry about. Customers are overwhelmed with options, and they want to quickly understand what makes one product or brand different than another. Knowing the right way to position yourself and your products can mean the difference between standing out and blending in. That’s why it’s crucial for you to understand how to identify a unique selling proposition (USP) to help guide your branding and marketing decisions.

Creating an inspiring brand story

Creating an inspiring brand story

If you want to form connections with potential customers and clients, having a great brand story is key. This type of content enables people to identify with your brand and care about it, its the “why and how” of your business, including your driving mission, your struggles, and your successes.

Social media marketing tips to boost your conversions

Social media marketing tips to boost your conversions

Nowadays, literally, everyone with a smartphone has access to social media. As a consequence, many people think that they know what it takes to build a brand, and selling products using those tools. They’re good at taking pretty pictures and using clever hashtags. But there’s much more to social media marketing than getting a few Likes on a picture.