E-commerce trends: What will next year bring?

E-commerce trends: What will next year bring?

For the past years, e-commerce has been experiencing steady growth. And that will continue in the upcoming years. In fact, specialists predict that global retail e-commerce revenue will amount to about 5 trillion dollars by 2021. So, in the near future, we should expect to see continuing growth with more businesses joining the market.

AI, automation and marketing = Better personalisation

AI, automation and marketing = Better personalisation

In nowadays marketing world, you can’t search for the next trend without reading something about artificial intelligence. It’s said that it will revolutionize the marketing world, help marketers tap into big data and is the key to unlocking the marketing potential of the Internet of Things. Like most things in today’s marketing landscape, the value of artificial intelligence is tied to data. Customer data. The more data brands and merchants capture and retain from an ever-widening variety of touch points, the more marketers will need to lean on advanced technology tools like AI to identify patterns and extract actionable intelligence.   Finding the right data Many marketers are already relying on artificial intelligence for this functionality today with many others starting to see the benefits of finding new audiences with AI and machine learning. These technologies are uniquely suited to comb through reams of seemingly-unrelated data and pull out recurrences and patterns that point to new markets, segments, or other opportunities. The availability of increasingly extensive data sets means that the use of AI for rapid and accurate interpretation will only increase.   The personalization game Segmentation and targeting existed long before AI ever was. But with it, the process of segmentation and execution of it on a more granular level can be expedited. The result: achieving a singular customer view and true person-based marketing. Furthermore, AI will be better able to track what type of content consumers are most interested in, allowing marketers to create more personalized, natural content tailored to individuals. And this in return will obviously impact a wide range of marketing activities, from persuasive content...
The ROI of content marketing

The ROI of content marketing

Establishing measurable and attainable goals is crucial for every marketing and business effort. If you can’t tell your boss what success looks like in 12 to 24 months, it’s going to be difficult to justify starting a content initiative. The anticipated goals should paint a picture that validates the cost of content marketing.