The Color Black Psychology & Design Strategies

The Color Black Psychology & Design Strategies

Color can often speak louder than words. It’s the first thing you notice about design, it evokes immediate emotion and sets the tone for all other supporting elements. Being able to successfully understand and implement color in your marketing and design can change behavior. This is no more true than with, arguably, the strongest color there is black.

How to revive a stagnant digital marketing campaign

How to revive a stagnant digital marketing campaign

Every marketing campaign brings with it its own set of challenges. Each is its own unique case and thus, a cookie-cutter solution simply cannot work. Every unique problem requires a unique approach. And while there is a set of mainstay marketing tricks that every campaign utilizes, there will always be a point where your progress may stagnate.

Facebook copy secrets for more conversions

Facebook copy secrets for more conversions

Want better Facebook ad conversions? Wondering how to write compelling Facebook ad copy? That can be achieved and one way to do it is right in these phrases. Curios? Keep on reading to learn how to write a Facebook copy that improves your conversions.   The “So that” statement The most common Facebook ad copy mistake is writing about the features of a product or service, rather than the benefits. Features may be appealing, but they don’t explain why someone should buy the product. Consumers want to know the real reason they should purchase. How will it change their lives for the better? What value will it bring them? Why is a particular feature important? Every time you write Facebook ad copy to explain why someone should buy your product/service, simply adding “so that…” to the end of each reason will prompt you to write about the real benefit. That’s what will compel people to take action.   “Yes” Questions One of the most powerful Facebook ad copy techniques is to polarize people. You want your ideal customers to see your ad content and be drawn in. You want people who aren’t your ideal customers to be sent away. Polarizing people doesn’t mean you have to be obnoxiously controversial. It just means you should create an ad for your customer and nobody else. It doesn’t matter what you want to share; it only matters what your ideal customer wants to see. One of the easiest ways to achieve that is by asking “yes” questions. These are questions that only your target customer will say yes to. Putting yes questions...
Facebook ads mistakes and how to avoid them

Facebook ads mistakes and how to avoid them

Facebook offers businesses a wide variety of advertising options to choose from, and with a network of billions of users, it provides the potential to reach tons of prospects. So, it goes without saying that it can be a major asset to your marketing efforts. If done correctly!