Facebook copy secrets for more conversions

Facebook copy secrets for more conversions

Want better Facebook ad conversions? Wondering how to write compelling Facebook ad copy? That can be achieved and one way to do it is right in these phrases. Curios? Keep on reading to learn how to write a Facebook copy that improves your conversions.   The “So that” statement The most common Facebook ad copy mistake is writing about the features of a product or service, rather than the benefits. Features may be appealing, but they don’t explain why someone should buy the product. Consumers want to know the real reason they should purchase. How will it change their lives for the better? What value will it bring them? Why is a particular feature important? Every time you write Facebook ad copy to explain why someone should buy your product/service, simply adding “so that…” to the end of each reason will prompt you to write about the real benefit. That’s what will compel people to take action.   “Yes” Questions One of the most powerful Facebook ad copy techniques is to polarize people. You want your ideal customers to see your ad content and be drawn in. You want people who aren’t your ideal customers to be sent away. Polarizing people doesn’t mean you have to be obnoxiously controversial. It just means you should create an ad for your customer and nobody else. It doesn’t matter what you want to share; it only matters what your ideal customer wants to see. One of the easiest ways to achieve that is by asking “yes” questions. These are questions that only your target customer will say yes to. Putting yes questions...
The psychology behind buying and how you can use it

The psychology behind buying and how you can use it

People are buying and consuming more than ever before. Studies link impulse buying in general to the personality of the person, the pleasure of buying something new, and their connection with the brand. As an entrepreneur with a product to offer, you want to reach as wide of an audience as possible. In order to achieve your goal of making it big, you have to understand buyers and how psychology can drive people towards making a purchase today. Let’s take a look at the psychology behind buying in an attempt to learn why people make certain decisions. Also, let’s dive into how a business can make his business appealing to a wider audience through psychological marketing techniques.   The left-digit effect One of the most common marketing tactics that we have all seen before has a name, the left-digit effect. The last time you went to the store and purchased something because it was only 19 dollars and 99 cents and not 20 dollars, you experienced the left-digit effect. Humans have an odd habit of focusing on the left digits of the price. People do this so often that marketers found a way to use it to their advantage. When you price something at 19 dollars and 99 cents instead of 20 dollars, customers will be more likely to buy. The difference is literally a penny, yes. However, the brain rationalizes the purchase as being between 10-20 dollars instead of 20-30, which makes it appear more affordable.   The frequency illusion Have you ever had a friend or relative recommend a brand or product, only for you to suddenly...
Cognitive biases: How to use them to sell your products

Cognitive biases: How to use them to sell your products

We all want to believe that we are logical beings and we take logical decisions, especially when it comes to purchasing decisions. However, no matter how rational and analytical we try to be, to some extent emotion always influences our decisions. Psychologists refer to these emotional factors in our decision-making processes as cognitive biases.