7 Tips & Trick for Effective Sales Copy

7 Tips & Trick for Effective Sales Copy

You’ve created a product or service and now want to get it to the masses as quickly as possible. But which marketing channels should you invest in? Although Google Ads and Facebook Ads had the highest conversion rates by far, content marketing had over a 600 percent return on marketing spend. The obvious lesson here is that mastering copywriting is a necessity. So, how do you write effective copy? Here are some answers:

Use content to get more customers!

Use content to get more customers!

Have you ever been in love with somebody, who didn’t love you back? This pain isn’t restricted to our personal lives, it can happen almost anywhere! Every time you create and publish a piece of content, you are engaging in a relationship with your audience. You are talking, and they are listening, and if you’re lucky, they’ll talk back. This relationship is fragile, short-lived and rarely goes any further. Let’s try to change that.

The ROI of content marketing

The ROI of content marketing

Establishing measurable and attainable goals is crucial for every marketing and business effort. If you can’t tell your boss what success looks like in 12 to 24 months, it’s going to be difficult to justify starting a content initiative. The anticipated goals should paint a picture that validates the cost of content marketing.

Compel them to read and share your content!

Compel them to read and share your content!

Creating engaging content is harder than ever. Actually, recent studies showed that while content marketing was up 300 percent in 2016, engagement was only up 5 percent. And it doesn’t stop there! Those that do take the time to read and engage with your content are only spending 37 seconds on your page.