Human behavior: How to use it to boost your sales

Human behavior: How to use it to boost your sales

You can have the most logical and compelling proposal but still fail to get any response, due to the fact that people are not rational. If you are working hard but seeing little to no increase in sales, this could be attributed to a lack of understanding human behavior. Successful salespeople and marketers understand universal human behavior well enough to use the right trigger words to get them to take action, each and every time. Let’s talk about the most common human tendencies and how can you use them in your advantage:   People will do more to avoid loss than to gain pleasure According to research into human behavior, people typically fear loss twice as much as relish success. As a result of this loss-aversion tendency, people are also more likely to stick to existing solutions rather than to risk losing what they have. That doesn’t bode well for new businesses. So what can you do? Consider offering free trials to lower the risk of going into business with you. Once they start incorporating your solution in their lives, loss aversion will work in your favor. It becomes hard for them to stop using your solution so they will pay to continue using it. Money-back guarantees work in the same way.   People are naturally inquisitive Curiosity is a human behavior trait that distinguishes us from other species. From a marketing standpoint, this is also why click baits work so well. Whenever we perceive a gap between what we know and what we want to know, we can’t help but seek to close the gap. Successful companies have...